Shiraz Binary Card Game – Typescript & LitElement

I implemented a web-base card game using Typescript and LitElement titled Shiraz Card Game. It is actually a multi-player card game that plays with binary. For now you can only play with computer or a friend on the same machine.
Having fun was my first reason of building this game. And the next reason was to give a new perspective to the players, so they can see what changes can bring if they play with binaries.

Play it from here:

Github source code:

Goal: One player is going to be 1(Blue) and another one 0(Red). A player that collect all its’ own card sooner, is going to be winner. They need calculate the score in 3 rounds of play.


  • Each player has 4 decks. which contains 8 cards. Actually each deck is a Byte in computer science. Each deck can not go more than 8 cards.
  • Card only can be removed from the end of each deck
  • A player can attack opponent with the opponents’s card type.
    Example: If Player1 is Blue and Player2 is Red, Player1 can attack player2 only with Red card.
  • Player can attack to the begging of the deck.


There are some non-functional elements on the game board. They are not doing anything for now but for the future I may expand the game and bring some more mechanics to it.

  • Decimal Number: at the top of each deck there is a number which is the decimal format of each deck.
  • Latitude & Longitude: These are the coordination that generated based on the numbers of each decks. Actually I combined 4 decks of each player to reach to a coordination value.
  • Map: The coordination can end up a location on the map. So each action of player will result to changing the decks and consequently changing the coordination that arrives to a new location on the map. You can use tow button at the left top corner to show and hide board game and visit the map clearly.

I hope you play the game and enjoy it. I love to hear your feedback or any suggestion to expand the game.


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